How to contain an oil spill in the ocean

 After the oil spill, we should first do two things from the perspective of environmental protection: one is to plug the oil spill, and the other is to remove the existing oil spill. The best hope for removing oil leakage is to be fast, simple and minimize environmental pollution. Method: ① a small amount of oil shall be adsorbed with sand, cement powder and coal ash, and then poured into an open place for burial. ② A large amount of oil is pumped by explosion-proof pump or collected by non sparking container for centralized treatment; ③ Clean the site with grease decomposing agent or steam, especially in low-lying areas, to ensure that no residual liquid is left. PVC oil containment boom of hopetopway ship wharf is an equipment to prevent oil spill pollution in water area. To prevent oil spill pollution, we must first prevent the spread of oil spill. At present, oil barriers are widely used to intercept oil spill. In addition to intercepting the spilled oil, the oil barrier can also guide the spilled oil and concentrate it as much as possible for further recovery and treatment.

Here is the contene list:

●What is an oil boom

●Oil boom recovery and storage

●How to use the oil boom

What is an oil boom?

1. PVC booms are necessary equipment to prevent oil spill pollution in water areas. To prevent oil spill pollution, the first step is to prevent the spread of oil spill. In addition to intercepting the oil spill, the oil boom can also guide the oil spill and make it as concentrated as possible for further recovery and treatment.

2. The upgrade of the solid type float type welding PVC oil boom is universal transverse horizontal bubble cloth solid float high strength both sides plastic coated is applied to oil boom, have certain ability to resist the wind and waves and the capacity, strong and durable, easy to use, the advantages of easy cleaning and maintenance, the most prominent advantage is inside the oil boom is not water, consequently cloth when launch and recovery is very light, suitable for manual cloth, It is suitable for long-term laying in water and emergency laying.

Solid float welded PVC oil boom, in addition to intercepting guiding oil spill, can also be used for some floating water chemical liquid interception, garbage and other floating objects cleaning and special water protection.

Oil boom recovery and storage?

●PVC boom storage can be placed on shore boats. However, it is easy to damage the oil fence when entering the water and then recovering it, so it is best to have rollers and slideways beside the boat on the shore. Oil booms can be discharged, stacked (be careful not to disturb) or winched on shore.

●Solid float oil boom with capstan storage, large volume, but mechanical retractable more convenient. The oil boom can be hoisted section by section onto the ship on shore by means of cranes and other devices. Detach all anchor lines from pvc oil boom prior to recovery. Storage place should be ventilated, avoid direct sunlight.

●The oil boom must be transferred to shore before typhoon and strong wind.

How to use the oil boom?

1. Connect the pvc booms and fix the connection between the pvc boom and the shore by using floating isolation device to ensure that the water level changes, and adjust the fixed height as appropriate.

2. Oil boom is put into the water. When the oil boom is put into the water from the shore or the ship, the tugboat should cooperate with it or the ship should run upstream, and it should be put into the water section by section to avoid disturbance.



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