What is oil spill management?

 In case of oil spill, the oil spill shall be controlled with an oil containment boom to prevent its diffusion. The oil containment boom can also guide the spilled oil to a suitable area to concentrate it as much as possible, providing conditions for the recovery of spilled oil by physical methods.

① First put the float and towing rope of the towing head into the water, and then put down the oil containment boom with the power station. At the same time, manually drag the oil containment boom, put the oil containment boom section of one or two gas chambers filled into the water, and lay the oil containment boom section of one or two gas chambers not inflated on the deck. ② On one side of the oil boom air chamber, insert the hook of the oil boom valve cover wrench into the hole of the chain plate, and hold the wrench to drag the oil boom; On one side of the counterweight chain of the oil boom, the operator can hold the chain and drag the oil boom. ③ When there is a certain length of oil containment boom in the water, the towing force of the water flow generated by the slow running of the laying ship against the current can pull the oil containment boom into the water, so there is no need to drag the oil containment boom manually. ④ After there is an oil boom in the water, the oil boom can also be pulled into the water by tugboat (for example, when laying from the shore). However, be careful not to make the oil boom under great tension. Hopetopway oil containment boom is necessary for oil spill control.

Here is the contene list:

● Characteristics of oil containment boom

● Composition of oil containment boom

● Storage of oil booms

Characteristics of oil containment boom:

1. The oil containment boom has high strength, long service life, oil resistance, weather resistance and erosion resistance.

2. For oil resistance of rubber oil booms, the outer covering rubber with flame retardant points can be selected, which can be used in places with high fire protection requirements.

3. The oil containment boom has large buoyancy reserve and good vertical stability.

4. The universal quick connector can be connected quickly and reliably, and can be connected with multiple production oil barriers, which is convenient for participation or regional cooperation.

5. Chain wrapped tension counterweight to enhance the strength of oil barrier. The skirt of the oil containment boom can form a concave shape conducive to oil retention, and has a good oil retention attitude in high-speed water flow.

6. You can choose luminous mark or color external glue, which is eye-catching and easy to identify.

7. Relevant auxiliary devices can be selected by users and can be specially designed and manufactured.

◉The oil containment boom can float stably on the water surface, which is used to prevent the diffusion of oil spill in the water area, reduce the oil spill area, transfer oil spill and floating objects, and protect the water environment. There are many kinds and forms of oil booms. But the basic structure is composed of floating body, skirt, tension belt, counterweight and joint.

Floating body: the part that provides buoyancy for the oil containment boom. Its function is to use air or buoyancy materials to provide buoyancy for the oil boom, so that the oil boom can float on the water. The floating body can be placed inside or outside the surface of the oil containment boom.

Skirt: refers to the continuous part of the oil containment boom below the floating body. Its function is to prevent or reduce the escape of oil from under the oil boom.

Tension belt: refers to a long belt component (chain, belt) that can bear the horizontal tension applied on the oil boom. It is mainly used to bear the tension caused by wind, wave, tide and towing.

Counterweight: ballast that enables the oil containment boom to sag and improve the performance of the oil containment boom. It can make the oil containment boom in an ideal state in water. Generally, it is made of steel and lead materials, or water is used as ballast.

Joint: a device permanently attached to the oil containment boom to connect each section of the oil containment boom or other auxiliary facilities.

Storage of oil containment boom

a) The oil containment boom shall be cleaned before storage. It is best to use a special cleaning device for cleaning, especially when there is oil stain on the oil boom.

b) If there is no oil stain adhered, the oil containment boom coming out of the sea water shall also be washed with clean water and wrapped into the container.

c) The container of oil containment boom shall be protected from direct sunlight and high temperature, otherwise it will affect the storage life of oil containment boom.

d) When placing the oil containment boom, the inflation degree of the air chamber shall be checked frequently. If a small amount of air leaks from the valve cover, it shall be supplemented with a portable inflator in time. Mark the air leakage of the air chamber for later repair.



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