How to clean up spilled used motor oil

 Under normal circumstances, the water content in the engine oil is below 0.03%. When the water content exceeds 0.1%, the additives in the engine oil will become invalid, accelerating the oxidation process of the engine oil, and may generate inorganic acids that will increase the corrosion to the engine; Secondly, "oxygen" is also the main factor affecting various additives in engine oil. Especially in the case of sunlight or high temperature, oxygen in the air reacts faster with engine oil; Impurities mainly affect the cleanliness of the engine oil. Impurities in the engine oil will affect the lubrication effect of the engine oil, even lead to abnormal wear of the engine, and then affect its sealing performance, even burn the engine oil. Hopetopway oil absorbent pad is made of polypropylene fiber material. Oil absorbent mat does not contain any chemicals. Oil absorbent pad will not cause secondary pollution to the environment. It has quite strong oil absorption performance and can quickly adsorb oily liquids.

Here is the contene list:

● Function of oil absorbent pad

● What are the characteristics of oil absorbent pad

● How to handle oil absorbent pad

Function of oil absorbent pad

After dehydration and deoiling, oil absorbent mat only absorbs oil, not water. Oil absorbent pad is suitable for absorbing petroleum hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, etc. (such as petroleum, gasoline, lubricating oil, paint, etc.). Oil absorber pad products do not absorb water when used on the water surface. After the oil absorbent mat is saturated, it will float on the water. The oil sorbent pad can absorb oil 10-20 times its own weight. Absorbent sheet is usually white. The oil absorbent mat can be used for the treatment of mechanical oil stain, drainage ditch oil stain, warehouse wharf oil stain and river oil stain, so as to keep the working environment clean and prevent explosion accidents caused by oil and gas volatilization.

What are the characteristics of oil absorbent pad

● The specific gravity of oil absorbent mat is relatively small. The oil absorbent pad can float on the water surface and will not sink even after the oil absorption is saturated. The oil absorb mat is conducive to protecting the sea environment.

● Oil sorbent pad is made of non cotton materials. Oil absorbent sheet has good air permeability and strong oil absorption performance. The oil sorbent pad has poor water absorption capacity and can discharge water during oil absorption.

● The oil sorbent mat will not leak after absorbing oil stains. Oil absorbent pad has good oil retention and can be used repeatedly.

● Oil absorbent sheet is resistant to acid and alkali and chemical corrosion. There is no secondary pollution in the combustion treatment of oil sorbent pad.

How to handle oil absorbent pad

1. Firstly, oil sorbent mat is produced from polypropylene through spray melting treatment, and then processed. Its advantage is that it has a strong adsorption capacity, so it can adsorb and store the oil when it is treated. After the oil sorbent pad that has adsorbed the oil stain is recovered, the oil stain is extruded, and the oil sorbent mat can also be put into use again.

2. After oil absorption, the oil can be extruded and reused by the oil absorbent mat, and finally treated by the combustion method. The recovered oil sorbent pad shall be incinerated in an incinerator in time to prevent secondary pollution.



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