How are dolphins affected by oil spills?
Stephanie Venn-Watson, of the National Marine Mammal Foundation, said: "Current evidence suggests that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and its related compounds caused adrenal and lung injuries in dolphins, which in turn contributed to the increase in dolphin deaths from this unusual event. Take, for example, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which began on April 20, 2010. Then in 2012, more than 1,000 dolphins washed ashore in the Gulf of Mexico and died, and there were three major strandings. That's four to five times higher than the typical dolphin deaths in the area. Petroleum pollutants entering the Marine environment will have a great impact on the growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms and the whole ecosystem. Hopetopway ship terminal PVC containment boom is the equipment to prevent and control oil spill pollution in water area. To prevent oil spill pollution, it is necessary to prevent the spread of oil spill. In addition to intercepting the oil spill, the containment belt can also guide the oil spill and make it as concentrated as possible for further recovery and treatment.
Here is the contene list:
● What is a solid float containment boom?
● Applicable scope of solid float type oil boom.
● Connection of containment oil boom.
● Release of containment oil boom.
What is a solid float containment boom?
Solid float type welding type PVC oil boom is universal transverse horizontal bubble cloth solid float high strength both sides plastic coated is applied to oil boom, have certain ability to resist the wind and waves and the capacity, strong and durable, easy to use, the advantages of easy cleaning and maintenance, the most prominent advantage is inside the oil boom is not water, consequently cloth when launch and recovery is very light, suitable for manual cloth, It is suitable for long-term laying in water and emergency laying.
Solid float welded PVC oil boom, in addition to intercepting guiding oil spill, can also be used for some floating water chemical liquid interception, garbage and other floating objects cleaning and special water protection.
Applicable scope of solid float type oil boom.
Portable booms can be divided into Marine type, offshore type and port type according to the sea area in use. Technical data such as water height, draft, floating body diameter, length of each section, weight and tensile strength of booms used in different areas vary with their models. Portable booms are used to block oil pollution in wharves and ports. When oil pollution spreads, they are usually fixed on the water surface where fences are needed by anchorage. Solid floating booms have been widely used in the water areas requiring long-term booms, such as aquaculture farms, beaches, scrap ship dismantling waters, and water intakes in factories.
Connection of containment oil boom.
The booms are 30 or 20 meters long and are usually joined to the desired length on shore or deck. Also can be connected into a certain length of containment boom into the water, with a boat to use the water area, and then the oil boom connected.
Floating isolation device should be used at the fixed connection between the containment boom and the shore to ensure that the containment boom does not friction with the shore and prevent oil spill when the water level changes. The track of floating isolation device is vertical, and should be handled when the shore and wharf are slopes. If the bank slope is slowly changing, it is difficult to set up floating isolation device. At this time, the containment boom should be fixed at a point away from the water and above the highest working water level, and then sealed with oil absorption material. However, the containment boom is easy to wear, so it should be carefully handled. Several fixed points can also be set at different heights to adjust the fixed height.
Release of containment oil boom.
When the oil boom is dropped into the water from the shore or the ship, the tugboat should cooperate with or the ship should run upstream, and it should be dropped into the water section by section to avoid disturbance. Before putting the boom, it should be sorted out and not twisted. When putting it, pay attention to the direction. After throwing it, it is not twisted, otherwise it is difficult to correct it in the water.
When releasing or recovering booms into water, booms are easy to be damaged by banks and boats, so it is safe and labor-saving to put them in convex corners with rollers and chute.